Thursday, May 16, 2013


The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one. Father, I desire that they also, whom thou hast given me, may be with me where I am, to behold my glory which thou hast given me in thy love for me before the foundation of the world. (Jn 17:22,24)

Father in heaven, your love in Christ Jesus has brought me to glory. In all things, I am one with you through Christ making it possible for me to strive for perfection in everything that I do. There is truly no limit in what I can achieve and accomplish for so long as your love overflows in me. Thank you for giving me your own beloved Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Business is overflowing and there is a need for my staff to be one with me so that I can multiply myself through them. I have begun to once more review the process flow of my business operation in order to achieve a zero backlog . I distributed some of my workload to my staff, each handling a specific task in terms of proper filing of documents. The issuance, monitoring, reporting and control is still in my hands. There is still much to do in terms of establishing a smooth flow of business operations but I am just thankful to the Lord that He is the one who makes all these things possible for me to achieve. It gives me much joy and comfort knowing that He is one with me in everything I do.
Glory is a distinguished quality or asset that God possesses and gives to those who believes in him so that He can be one with them in everything that they do. It is also an act of worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving to God who makes it all possible for man to achieve his goals in life. With these two meaning combined together, glory is the height of prosperity or achievement.

Friend, it you want to prosper or achieve your goals in life, there is no other way but to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He alone can give you this glory that will make your life full and complete.





Tuesday, March 26, 2013


"Now is the Son of man glorified, and in him God is glorified; if God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once." -- John 13:31-31

The act of acceptance and submission to God's Will, no matter how painful it will be, brings glory not only to yourself but to the Lord Himself.
Betrayal done by a friend can be most hurting and could lead to a troubled spirit. Even the Lord had experienced this when He was betrayed by Judas who is one of His most trusted friends (Jn 13:21-26). But Jesus did not focus on the hurt, He was more focused on the prize or outcome of such betrayal, and that is to be Glorified by God the Father Himself!
Glory comes after passing through your most trying times. How can you emerge victorious if you don't go into battle? How can you pass your tests and exams if you don't give serious time to review? How can you attain your desires for richness and abundance if you do not work for them?
""What you are going to do, do quickly" says the Lord to Judas. Jesus allowed the action to begin as it is the road towards His glory. He did not allow others to know the betrayal of His friend except for John who had the guts to ask.
The time has come for Christ to be glorified in you. Take up your cross and follow Him for only through Him can you attain the glory that awaits in Christ Jesus.

Lord, I give praise and glory to your Name, knowing and believing in faith that only with you, in you, and through you can I ever attain the desires of my heart. You alone are my hope for glory as I pray in Jesus Name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Unite Yourself with Jesus

"And He [Christ] showed me that it was His great desire of being loved by men and of withdrawing them from the path of ruin that made Him form the design of manifesting His Heart to men, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctification and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to render Him and procure Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source." — from Revelations of Our Lord to St. Mary Margaret Alacoque

O Sacred Heart of Jesus! I fly to Thee, I unite myself with Thee, I enclose myself to Thee! Receive this, my call for help, O my Saviour, as a sign of my horror of all within me contrary to Thy Holy Love. Let me rather die a thousand times than consent! Be Thou my Strength, O God: defend me, protect me. I am thine, and desire forever to be Thine!

-- St Margaret Mary Alocoque